Developing internal talent to Scale & Sustain

Benefits of our Scale & Sustain intiative…
… for the internal facilitator
- The facilitator enjoys a rare opportunity to review a sister programme and compare with their own – similar to an internal consultancy, or B2B (Business-To-Business support).
- They take back learning and ideas that will enhance their own country programme.
- Develop high confidence as a facilitator
- They recognise the importance of the facilitator role.
… for the host programme
- The host programme benefits from having a highly-experienced professional explore organisational challenges. Since they know the organisation well, face, and surmount challenges similar to the country programme they visit, their insight (provided using a coaching approach) is particularly useful.
- The team develops links to peers in the facilitator’s own country programme for.
… for the wider organisation
- Of the staff who were trained the majority proved to be highly effective facilitators, capable of running the programme after the first full roll-out.
- The wider organisation benefits because it supports horizontal (south-south) learning and development, sharing of ideas and relationship-building.
- This is particularly powerful where the context and operational challenges are similar.
Developing internal Facilitators to deliver our Leadership Development Programme

Sanou Nging, Country Director, Marie Stopes Sénégal
Sanou Nging is one of the ten internal staff who went through the internal facilitator development programme which accompanied the roll-out of the Nine conversations in Leadership intervention for a leading INGO in West Africa.
A Country Director herself, she was able to share her experience and advise the host country team when details of significant differences emerged during discussions. Exploring them together enabled clarity on whether the difference related to the variation in context (which was fine) or was a symptom of something that needed to change.
Her support was extremely valuable for the host Country team – which was going through a period of significant change. Having an external leader/faciiitator who was also rooted within the global organisation was a major additional benefit for the host programme. And for Sanou it enhanced her own experience, both as a faciltiator of this powerful intervention and also as a Country Director.
Facilitation Training
Our facilitation training focuses on key skills and processes key to organisation development and change:
- Leadership
- Meeting Design
- Strategic & Action Planning
- Team building
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Conflict Management
- Managing Diversity
- Resilience